WP1 is:
the backbone of Prometheus project to guarantee a sound management of the project according to quality management standards within the Consortium and towards the EC. The main tasks of the experienced core staff is ensuring a daily management, solving criticalities, keeping a smooth-exchange within the consortium, meeting the foreseen deadlines and reporting to the EC. The Project Steering Committee takes relevant decisions and meet periodically.
Implementation and Customisation
WP2 intends to:
developing the data management system as the main product of Prometheus project, named “Prometheus System” or just “Prometheus” which is composed by: local and main servers; database; responsive platform; help-desk;
customising it through the involvement of a Working Group (WG) that will share challenges, proposes solutions and supports the step-by-step improvement of “Prometheus” with possible indoor and outdoor intermediate checks in IT toward two testing activities (WP3);
providing the Consortium with legal support for issues regarding data protection and metadata exchange according to the current national and international laws.
WP3 Is aimed at:
field -testing advanced beta and demo versions of “Prometheus” by involving three USAR assessment teams as well as three whole USAR teams in Two Table-Top- Exercise (TTX);
evaluating the performance of “Prometheus” and reporting on it (Project Sterring Committee, Working Gropu);
supporting by field exercise the implementation and gradual improvement of the final version with a bottom-up approach (from the real needs to the customised system)
Communication and Dissemination
The WP4 goals are:
communicating the project existence, rationale, objectives, in a homogeneous way and ensure visibility to EU co-financing according to the visibility rules;
disseminating project’s outputs and deliverables to end-users and stakeholders;
spreading strategically especially the main final product “Prometheus” to enhance sustainability after the project conclusion.