9 -12 -16 -19 March 2021 – On Line _
The Training Programme was born from the proposal made by CNVVF to overcome the difficulties generated by the current emergency of Covid-19 that blocks any possibility to meet in presence and at the same time to carry out the activities foreseen by Prometheus project abroad. The training programme has been prepared by CNVVF staff and designed to be delivered to the colleagues of ERICAM and EcASC staff on line. As matter of fact, the main objectives were to share the knowledge of the Prometheus system (main characteristics) in view of the testing of it in Spain and France to be carried out in the coming months.
A total of 21 trainees have been admitted to the course: ERICAM (11) and EcASC (10).
The training is provided online on real time in English with an emergency (and maps/videos) prepared to support the presentations; drills are also carried out for the trainees and the “training” area of Prometheus is accessible to all of them.
The activity was designed and delivered by IT Managers of Prometheus from the Fire Dep. of Florence and trainers from Pisa and Pistoia Fire Departments. All of them are also experienced members of the Italian USAR Team.