Final MoM 4th PSC Meeting
2nd PSC meeting MoM webinar – 3rd June 2020
of the
Webinar Meeting
3rd June 04:00 pm – 06.00 pm
- Participants
Name and Surname | Role in the project | Beneficiary | Group | |
Giuseppe Romano | Leader | CNVVF | PSC | |
Monia D’Amico | Technical Co-ordinator | CNVVF | PSC | |
Cristina Rabozzi | Financial- Technical Assistant | CNVVF | PSC | |
Ilaria Maraviglia | Project Assistant and Communication Expert | CNVVF | Ass | |
Philippe Meresse | Partner Coordinator | EcASC | PSC | |
Solange Barelle | Administrative/Financial Assistant | EcASC | PSC | |
Annika Coll Eriksson | Partner coordinator | ERICAM | PSC | |
Marta Cuervo Alvarez | Administrative/Financial Assistant | ERICAM | PSC | |
Viola Vallini | Partener coordinator | DICP | PSC | |
Fabrizio Graverini | USAR Senior Expert | CNVVF | Obs/WG | |
Fabio Sani | IT Manager | CNVVF | Obs/WG | |
Francesco Cenni | IT Manager | CNVVF | Obs/WG | |
(Ass= Assistant; Obs/WG = Observers/WG members)
Sonia Badoni, project assistant of CNVVF, was on leave while Viola Vallini left the meeting before its end for an urgent matter.
The meeting has been held in webinar using the programme “Teams” Microsoft. It started at the scheduled time according to the agenda shared on 26th May and ended at 6.15 p.m., as planned. Audio/video checks have been done by Ilaria Maraviglia.
Reference documents for the meeting were: Grant Agreement of Prometheus; Partnership agreement; Gantt diagram.
- Objectives of the meeting were to:
- Updating on the activities carried out (state-of-the-art)
- Discussing any criticality faced since March or envisaged by CNVVF, ICDP, EcASC, ERICAM
- Planning of activities and possible rescheduling because of the Covid-19 emergency
- Discussing of implications of technical and financial consequences of the decision taken
- Next steps and deadlines (using the Gantt diagram)
- Any relevant issue and closing
- Comments on Prometheus system collected from EcASC and ERICAM
- Main discussion points
- Activities carried out – Giuseppe Romano, Project Leader and Monia D’Amico, Project Manager
a. 1st meeting of the PSC (2 March 2020)
Since the last meeting, the various deadlines have been met and despite the lockdown the scheduled activities have been carried out. At the project start the software house GIUNECO (based in Florence) has been selected to develop the software and it is working in order to release the testi1st meeting of the PSC (2 March 2020)ng version in September. The first version of the software will be in Italian and English to allow effective testing.
b. Preparation and sharing of the tutorial (28 April – 15 May 2020)
The tutorial of Prometheus has been provided to ERICAM and EcASC through the reserved area of the web site as tool to deepening their knowledge of the functionalities of the data management system to be developed. Because of the lockdown, it was not possible to have the scheduled WG meeting in March and, despite Italy was already under lockdown since 8th March, the goal to share with ERICAM and EcASC was accomplished thought the video tutorial with subtitles and voice-over in English. The system version was the demo version not the one already in developing phase at the time of the meeting.
As ERICAM and EcASC provided comments for improvements to the shown version of Prometheus based on the tutorial, the IT Managers collected comments and replies (see below) to return them and for further clarification on specific functionalities.
c.Manual of shared and finalized visual identity
The visual identity manual has been approved in March.
d. Project website (deliverable)
There are still some minor changes in the web site to be made, however, it is final. The reserved area, where all financial and management documents are kept, will be accessible at the end of June. This has been submitted on 31st March and approved on 28th May by the P.O.
e. Communication plan drawn up/to be shared
The plan has been drafted by the CNVVF that now, jointly with the ICPD, manages the WP4. Since the ICPD, at the project start was directly involved in the emergency affecting the country, to avoid delays, the coordinator beneficiary covered the communication tasks with own resources.
Self-presentation, Viola Vallini, ICPD, partner coordinator
She joined the PSC Meeting for the first time, as it was previously busy with the Covid-19 emergency. She introduces herself and explains her communication and dissemination activities that she will do in collaboration with the CNVVF. She is very happy to be part of this working group and hopes to be able to make an important contribution especially in the dissemination phase.
2. Discussing any criticality faced since March or envisaged by CNVVF, ICDP, EcASC, ERICAM
The main point that might affect the system development is linked to supposed delay to the publication of the final INSARAG Guidelines (expected in autumn). At this regard Annika Coll ERICAM as part of the working group for the INSARAG Guidelines 2020 confirmed their finalization and publication to come the same day of the meeting.
Actually, the document reached the USAR experts of CNVVF during the meeting.
Giuseppe Romano CNVVF, after a brief confirmatory review of the guidelines, pointed out that they have to be taken into consideration order to orient the Prometheus software (i.e. foms).
3. Planning of activities and possible rescheduling because of the emergency
The planned activities and possible proposal of post-ponement have been shared (see ppt) by Monia D’Amico.
4. Discussing of implications of technical and financial consequences of the decision taken, Cristina Rabozzi, Financial Monitor
decisions taken might also affect the budget, which of course cannot be changed (see ppt).
Internal Monitoring Report is expected and templates will be shared with ICPD, ERICAM, EcASC.. The PA of ERICAM at the time of the meeting had not come while EcASC sent its copy on 30th April and the first instalment was paid on 29th May by CNVVF. Annika Coll ERICAM – informed that they have sent the signed agreement, she should either check with the courier or sign it electronically and send it again.
The PA of ICPD was not signed at the time of the meeting.
5. Next steps and deadlines – CNVVF, ERICAM, ICPD, EcASC
A new planning of some activities is reported in the table below.
Revise the timeline: reprogramming the project activities implies informing the P.O. and providing justification for the changes.
These changes can only be accepted after receiving formal approval from the P.O.
It is necessary to share the Communication Plan and all the beneficiaries are called to integrate it with dissemination activities and proposals. Since the CNVVF has in the project a scalability advisor and one of the beneficiary co-leads the WP4, significant contribution is expected.
6. Any relevant issue and closing
No issue has to be reported. Giuseppe Romano CNVVF – before moving to the discussion of the comments that have been made by the partners on the tutorial received from Prometheus.
Decision Taken/Agreed |
It was agreed to:Postponing the first Internal Monitoring Report from M5 (June) to M6 (July) Reason Because of distance working, limited expenses from the associated beneficiaries have been carried out so far. ReferenceFinancial toolkit (see 1st PSC Meeting Minutes); template for technical report to be shared in June. Setting next PSC meeting in Septemebr vs 3rd PSC meeting in November ReasonSo as to share Prometheus released version also with the PSC members one day before the WG Meeting foreseen to present the testing version of Prometheus. Dates to be proposed and confirmed to be set in the last week of Sept. Organise a testing in Italy of the system with no additional/extra costs for the project budget in the frame of an exercise to test internal procedures for USAR-M team. The exercise might be organised at mid-October. Philippe Meresse and Annika Coll might be participating as observers. The funds for their mission to be used might be those of the 1st PSC meeting that has been held in webinar vs presence with some savings. The P.O. should approve changes as presented in the ppt of C. Rabozzi (see ppt).ReasonHaving the chance to test the first version of the system and to balance it before the testing in Spain. NoteThe supporting documents for the testing (as the script) prepared by CNVVF might be a starting point for ERICAM and EcASC for exercise in Spain and France, too.Dates to be proposed and confirmed / mid-October. Postponing the exercise in Spain from November (foreseen) to the end of February 2021. Annika Coll will check dates for the availability of the training area to be used for the testing as well as for the survey to be carried out by experts from CNVVF between the end of October and the beginning of November. ReasonThis is to ensure that the version tested in Italy in October can be improved according to the evaluation report and to stress the system in the various critical points encountered. The survey after the exercise in Italy will be more effective to understand which elements should be duplicated or added.Notes Annika Coll ERICAM – she will check on how to proceed with the organization and authorizations. She also asked if it is possible to combine the software test with a USAR assesment exercise. Because this would be very functional especially for requesting permissions and optimizing resources.Philippe Meresse EcASC – He does not find particular problems and believes that the choices made to propose the new calendar are functional, even for the subsequent phases of software testing |
Prometheus tutorial – feedback 5.00 – 6.00 p.m.
After the conclusion of the PSC, the section about the feedback on Prometheus tutorial took place for about one hour. Francesco Cenni, IT Manager of CNVVF supported by Fabio Sani and Fabrizio Graverini presented the answer to each comment collected in an excel file (annex 3.2).
Philippe Meresse EcASC– asked further clarification about “emergency” and “sub emergency” and asked if any connection with BELICE project was envisaged (on ASR1).
Fabrizio Graverini CNVVF Senior expert USAR – explained that the CNVVF, coordinator of BELICE project, would like to include the principles of analysis and sectorization developed with that project. Philippe Meresse and Annika Coll are both involved in BELICE as EcASC is beneficiary and Annika Coll external expert.
Annika Coll ERICAM – suggests to insert voice messages because they are useful and immediate.
Francesco Cenni CNVVF answers that they can evaluate it and that at this stage it is not difficult to insert them.
Philippe Meresse EcASC– finds it difficult to upload the data.
Francesco Cenni CNVVF says that this problem is overcome because in the new Prometheus the ODK system is not used. On the contrary the new app is easy and intuitive, surely in September this problem is definitely solved