In the Download area you can find all the presentations of the final national and international conference.
The final event of the project will be held at the National Fire Academy in Rome (ISA, Istituto Superiore Antincendi) in the afternoon of 20th January. Personnel of the National Fire and Rescue Service from all over Italy as well as experts from Spanish and French beneficiaries will join. Military and civil authorities will be invited as well as representatives of the Civil Protection system.
Presentations will be focused on operational needs and the functions of Prometheus system. The invited guests can join in presence while anyone who is interested can follow the event on streaming on , using this link:
Click on: preliminary agenda
An on line-international conference is planned on Friday, 28th January 2022 from 10.30 till 13.00 (C.E.T.) to present the results of Prometheus project to a wide audience. Invitations will be sent mainly to: INSARAG focal points, European Commission project officers, national training coordinators, USAR experts and CP Authorities. The direction of the event will be set in the National Fire Academy in Rome and speakers from EC – DG ECHO and UN OCHA -INSARAG Secretariat will open it.
Presentations will be focused on the operational needs and on the functions of Prometheus system.
To follow the On line International Final Conference, please click on:
Madrid Info Days
29th and 30th of November 2021
The Madrid INFO Days of the Prometheus Project have been held in the region of Madrid the 29th and 30th of November 2021, hosted by ASEM 112 (Security and Emergency Agency of the regional government of Madrid) and their Fast Response Team ERICAM.
A selection of Urban Search and Rescue and Firefighting senior experts and practitioners from Spanish local and regional Fire and Rescue services, as well as Regional and National Emergency Management Authorities participated in the event.
The Info Days started with an introduction by the organisers of the event, ERICAM, that explained basic concepts of INSARAG and EU CPM coordination and assessment methodology and gave a general overview of the Prometheus Project: objectives, improvements, development, funding, consortium. After the introduction, the rest of the program of the first day was dedicated to explain the functionalities and use of the Prometheus tool. The second day included practical exercises testing Prometheus, collecting data in the field and managing this data in a coordination cell. The main trainers were two Prometheus experts from CNVVF supported by members of the Prometheus team of ERICAM.
After two intense days of dissemination and training activities on Prometheus, the invited experts could understand the value of the developed tool and could give a useful feedback. The event also provided a good network opportunity to all participants (Madrid Municipality Fire Brigade, 5 participants, including the Deputy Head of Service; Barcelona Municipality Fire Brigade: 4 participants, including the Fire Chief ; Madrid Regional Fire Brigade: 2 participants ; Military Emergency Unit: 2 participants there were also Emergency Management Authorities:
National Government : Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias: INSARAG and EUCPM National Policy Focal Point; Madrid Regional Government: Director General de Emergencias de la Comunidad de Madrid)
INFO DAYS In Italy Carried out in the frame of the Exercise “Cerzeto 2021” 8-11 November 2021
The training indoor on 8th and 9th November was a success: 65 experts have been trained on “Prometheus system”. These experts from CNVVF coming from several regions of North, South, Centre of Italy (Calabria, Tuscany, Sicily, Campania, Lazio, Lombardy and Piedmont) as well as the Italian Red Cross and Civil Protection personnel joined the exercise on 10th and 11th November applying Prometheus in the field (App and web). In the exercise, about 150 firefighters were involved in the real site of Cavallerizzo di Cerzeto.
During the exercise on both days as well as during the debriefing, the system was greatly appreciated and congratulations for its characteristics were made to the whole staff. In particular, the training for the UCC in just 12 hours led to an independent use of Prometheus system during the emergency. Thus, the UCC become the reference repository to follow the emergency and have a clear picture of it. Assessment and SAR operations using Prometheus have reached the goal to have data on real time, complete and quick (reducing time of intervention). Additionally, Prometheus was widely considered user-friendly so as covering a lack of data management system for USAR operations.
The success of this first national application in a so prone to earthquakes country, as Italy is, made a pivotal role in the spreading of the system. Lastly, the presence of the Chief Commander of CNVVF and Head of Department of firefighters, public rescue and civil defense, as well as local authorities, the representatives of Armed forces as well as volunteers (Red Cross, Angeli della Sila, Edelweiss) made the event relevant and largely disseminated in the media (at local, regional, national levels). Interest to use and step-up Prometheus also for the medical activities of the Red Cross and military interventions in CP emergency has been expressed to the project core staff.
Furthermore, the exercise made known the site of Cerzeto and its community that, along with the mayor, supports the possibility to be used for field training and exercises. People of Cerzeto pro-actively supported CNVVF and Prometheus staff to carry out the exercise also by in-kind services offered toward a common objective: enhancing the site hit by a landslide to have a second life and being useful to improve the management of the emergencies in future.
INFO DAYS in Spain 29 – 30 November 2021
In November 2021 the active dissemination of Prometheus results will start through the Info Days in Spain and Italy which are training sessions (indoor and outdoor) tailored to spread the use of Prometheus system.
To the Info days in Spain, skeleton teams from the Spanish Military Emergency Unit, Madrid City Fire Department and Barcelona Fire Department are invited as well as the National Civil Protection focal point and two officers from Bomberos Comunidad de Madrid. The training will start with an introduction on Prometheus project by ERICAM. Two trainers, experienced USAR experts from CNVVF will deliver the info days.